Bravo, who was a vital cog in the now suspended Chennai Super Kings Indian Premier League (IPL), was observed in Dhoni's collar and the players congratulated each other. Although it was the friendly banter between the two, the crowd at the EDEN GARDENS stunned for a second, when the incident occurred. "
Dhoni and Bravo to a great camaraderie, as earlier, when Dwayne Bravo launched his latest single «Chalo Chalo», he roped in Mahendra Singh Dhoni too. «Chalo Chalo 'mixed genre of the song featuring Caribbean music of Western and Indian influences», - Bravo - said the song, he said, was conceived when she was made to sit out of the West Indian World Cup team. "I'm frustrated and bored about two months. I wanted to distract my concentration on something else, and that is when I decided to work on this track, "he added.
Dhoni and Bravo to a great camaraderie, as earlier, when Dwayne Bravo launched his latest single «Chalo Chalo», he roped in Mahendra Singh Dhoni too. «Chalo Chalo 'mixed genre of the song featuring Caribbean music of Western and Indian influences», - Bravo - said the song, he said, was conceived when she was made to sit out of the West Indian World Cup team. "I'm frustrated and bored about two months. I wanted to distract my concentration on something else, and that is when I decided to work on this track, "he added.